How GP Cellulose Supports Wildlife Habitats
At GP Cellulose, we are committed to growing responsibly and sustainably. From fiber sourcing practices, leveraging residual products, focus and commitment to using renewable energy, and social investments in the communities we serve and operate in – sustainability isn’t just a priority, it’s our business.
We’re proud that the Alabama River and Leaf River GP Cellulose mills have been certified by the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) for their conservation projects. The WHC certification program recognizes a company’s efforts to create, restore, and enhance wildlife habitats on their lands.
The mills worked for several years to achieve certification, forming employee committees to identify projects that would qualify for consideration by the WHC. Each project certified through the WHC demonstrates our long-term commitment to managing quality habitats for wildlife, conservation education and community outreach initiatives.
- Alabama River: 2,987 acres have been enrolled in the WHC program since 2016. Major projects include habitat management, bluebird nest boxes and feral hog removal. This location also provides an ideal habitat for the threatened red hills salamander.
- Leaf River: 1,702 acres have been enrolled in the WHC program since 2000. Major projects include purple martin nest boxes, habitat management pollinator fields and a gopher tortoise protection area.
Check out this interactive map to learn more about GP’s contributions to sustainability and conservation of forestry and wildlife across North America.
Learn more about GP Cellulose’s commitment to sustainability here.